The Whisky Blues No.052, Bowmore, 1997, 26yo, Butt, 50.1%
The third release of the "Travel Maps・the Roam" series, a collaboration between《The Whisky Blues・威士忌藍調》and artist 任嶼 Ray.H, featuring Bowmore 26yo, is officially on the market!
【Introduction of Artist】
About Artist: 任嶼Ray.H
任嶼Ray.H is an illustrator who excels at transforming beautiful moments in daily life and travel into lively pictorial illustrations. He has collaborated with various tourism and local culture organizations multiple times. Skilled in diverse illustration techniques, he captures everyday life and travel street scenes, bringing a fresh and intimate sense of life.
The “Travel Picture” series, which has won the Merit award in the 3x3 International Illustration Awards, focuses on everyday street scenes during travel. It vividly depicts the local charm of each city and town, telling moving and unique little stories.
【Introduction of Label】- by 任嶼Ray.H
| Taitan ▲ Jinzun Fishing Harbor |
【Introduction of Distillery】
成立於 1779年的 Bowmore 是艾雷島上最古老的酒廠,仍保留著地板發麥這項傳統工藝並提供部分麥芽給酒廠使用。將當地泥煤烘乾麥芽 18個小時,以產生出 10-25ppm 的泥煤麥芽,讓 Bowmore 原有熱帶果香中多了些許迷人的泥煤煙燻風味。
Bowmore 藏酒大多儲存於波本桶內,僅約莫 20%左右陳放於雪莉桶中熟成。這款在雪莉桶熟成 26年的 Bowmore ,香氣散發出甜美的煙燻、鹹味、莓果和柑橘果香,圓潤甜美的煙燻口感有著細微泥煤點綴著,悠長的尾韻中有著灰燼和些微獨特皂味,整體層次豐富,值得細細品味。
Tasting Notes
Nose: full-bodied smoky fruity scent including berry, raisin, slight saltedness, tangerine, dark chocolate, toffee, nuts, woodiness, cinnamon, scent of burnt tobacco and spices.
Taste: medium bodied, slightly peated, tangerine, dried fruit, berry, toffee, dark chocolate, nuts, walnut, woodiness, cardamon, smell from tea, soap and spices.
Finish: Medium to long. Smoky fruit aroma, citrus, raisins, grapes, berries, toffee, dark chocolate, nuts, walnuts, wood, minerals, ash, and spices.
This is a whisky that people really enjoy for its layered presentation. The smoky aroma blends with berries, dark chocolate, and nuts. Upon tasting, the bright peat sweetness reminds one of the early flavors of Islay
In stock, please contact with our distributors; or contact us in our facebook group 艾雷重擊 Whisky AGE 威士忌社團 .
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