The Whisky Blues No.028 Jamaican Rum JMLR 21yo 2000 Barrel

Distillery:Jamaican Rum JMLR (Secret Hamxxxn)
Bottling Brand:The Whisky Blues
Series No.:No.028
Stated Age:21
Cask Type:Barrel
Cask No.:94
Volume:700 ml
Number of Bottles:137


The Whisky Blues No.028, Jamaican Rum JMLR, 21yo, 2000/2022, 48.2%, Barrel, Cask No. 94, 137 Bottles
Joint Bottling with the bar "Get lost in the Whisky" in Yilan, Taiwan
Label Series by Yeh Xun, 3/3

這款牙買加蘭姆酒來自不能說的 Hamxxxn 酒廠,JMLR 對應的酒廠 mark 是 LROK,酯質範圍落在 200-400 g/hl aa 之間,數值不高,熟香蕉類的酯味仍有但不具攻擊性,開瓶醒個幾天之後香氣相當迷人。溫柔的風味,同時推薦給想踏入酯質蘭姆酒的世界又擔心被嚇到的酒友。


Tasting Notes

Nose: Bright and sweet ripe bananas, banana fudge, dried pineapples, citrus, salty-sweety Chinese preserved fruit, cream, sugar syrup, vanilla, licorice, cardamom and spices.

Palate: Smooth ripe bananas, citrus cream, sugar syrup, creamy chocolate, vanilla, licorice, woody, cardamom and spices.

Finish: A delicate finish. Ripe bananas, sweet oranges, cream, sugar syrup, vanilla, woody tannins, cardamom and mild spices.

Bright fruity sweetness with a delicate flavor of ripe bananas. Enjoyable sweetness from beginning to end, with only a touch of spices on the finish. The taste is straightforward, comfortable and smooth, and the charming sweetness lingering on the finish makes you want to drink a glass after another.

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