WHISKY AGE No.0021 Glen Garioch, 2011, 11yo, Barrel, 55.8%
《WHISKYAGE・威士忌時代》與畫家 MasonYin 莓森林合作的「音樂家人物系列」第三款 WHISKY AGE No.0021, Glen Garioch, 11yo 正式發行!
【Introduction of this dram】
巴洛克時期音樂集大成的音樂家巴哈正悠閒地牽著腳踏車走在路上,有個趣聞是他很喜歡走路,曾經為了聽法國宮廷樂隊的演奏整整走上兩天。儘管當時他並未開創新風格,卻巧妙融合了德、義、法等多國音樂手法於其作品中,以他優雅複調技巧展現了對巴洛克音樂風格的深刻理解,呈現出其精髓和深邃的思想。就像這款從香氣到口感有著不同層次感表現的 Glen Garioch 11年。
MasonYin is a talented painter and musician. You can see his artwork appearing in a column dedicated to music & painting in the MUZIK Magazine, or in musically themed cafes co-opened with corporates, as well as in gift shop items for the national orchestra NSO. In addition, he also focuses on teaching adults violin, he is a true artist that works across different areas. Therefore, you can see classical musicians, instruments, bands and orchestras appearing in his artwork as if they were playing right in front of you.
MasonYin's FB:https://www.facebook.com/masonyindesign
MasonYin's IG:https://www.instagram.com/masonyin/
MasonYin 莓森林 <微笑腳踏車>,與Ubike無任何商業關係
【Introduction of Distillery】
Glen Garioch 是蘇格蘭最古老威士忌酒廠其中一家,其歷史淵源可以追溯到1797年,酒廠最初是個位於 Oldmeldrum 邊境啤酒廠,兩位創始人約翰·曼森 (John Manson) 和亞歷山大·曼森 (Alexander Manson) 非常謹慎地選擇了這個地點,因為這一帶地區以優質大麥聞名。
Glen Garioch 經歷了幾次休廠及製程調整,現今的風格與早期已經大大不同,1994年開始停止了地板發麥,1995年到1997年短暫停止生產,1997年開始不再生產泥煤麥芽。所以現在的 Glen Garioch 多半充滿明亮的麥芽感、奶油滑順般的口感及柔和的果香與蜂蜜甜感。
Tasting Notes
Nose: The fragrance of melon fruit is adorned with the smooth yellow fruit aromas of mango, pineapple, and citrus, along with malt, honey, and bright spices.
Palate: Rounded palate with the sweet and sour taste of pineapple, citrus, malt, nuts, woodiness, herbs, and spices.
Finish: Medium finish with the fragrance of melon fruit, sweet malt, a hint of pineapple acidity, a faint roasted tea aroma, and mild spices.
Overall, the smooth yellow fruit sweetness is the main note in the aroma, adorned with a faint melon fruit fragrance and malt. The palate continues the aroma’s character, with added honey, herbs, and mild spices. The sweet aftertaste of the finish makes one want to take a few more sips.
In stock, please contact with our distributors; or contact us in our facebook group 艾雷重擊 Whisky AGE 威士忌社團 .
And welcome to chat with us: LINE OpenChat《艾雷重擊・聚落》 .