The Whisky Blues No.032 Linkwood 30yo 1992 Barrel

Bottling Brand:The Whisky Blues
Series No.:No.032
Stated Age:30
Cask Type:Barrel
Cask No.:5290
Number of Bottles:255


The Whisky Blues No.032, Linkwood, 30yo, 1992, 48.1%, Barrel, #5290, 255 Bottles
Nuomi “BossCat's BookStore” Label Series 3/6

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The Whisky Blues 與畫家 Nuomi 諾米 合作的「貓老闆的書店」系列第三款 – 販賣機之書,正式公開!

這次 The Whisky Blues 挑選的這款滿滿水果風味、還帶點微果酸的 Linkwood 1992,是能讓人認識老 Linkwood 到底可以好喝到什麼程度的絕佳範例。我可以抱著杯子一直聞香,完全捨不得放下。這支真的必喝!

酒標上充滿野心的貓老闆,在這個小街區同時擺著兩大台販賣機一起營業。這麼巧,正好呼應了 Linkwood 蒸餾廠在七、八零年代的狀態。

1971 ,Linkwood 在原本 1821 年蓋的蒸餾廠旁邊又蓋了一間新廠,就這樣兩座酒廠一起運作了十幾年。為了區分,舊廠就叫 Linkwood A,新廠叫 Linkwood B。舊的那座 Linkwood A 後來於 1985 停止量產, 90 年代偶爾還會用來做做實驗,之後就完全停工,而舊建築也於 2012 拆除。新廠 Linkwood B 在獨當一面後,自然光明正大把 B 拿掉,成為唯一的 Linkwood 蒸餾廠,直到現在。

於是,有人說這是借殼上市,最早蓋的和現存的根本是兩座不同的酒廠;也有人說這只是為了增加產能蓋二廠,不需要大驚小怪。但無論如何,都毫不減損 Linkwood 是間優秀酒廠的事實。


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Tasting Notes

Nose: Strong floral scent with a hint of apple fresh. Honey and the sweet smell of butter accompanied with vanilla as well as soft woody scent.

Palate: Well rounded fruity scent from the acidity of tangerine, fresh melon mixed with the taste of malt, honey and ginger, as well as flavour from a Yakult drink.

Finish: Medium to long winded melon sweetness ending with the taste of dryness, malt, herbs and mild spices. Melon fruitiness continues to spread in your mouth.

It is as if one is engulfed in a room full of pleasant fragrance. You can experience bright floral scent, apple freshness and delicate sweet malt. Sugary melon, honey and mild spices build on top of each other, one is totally relaxed after a drink.

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