WHISKY AGE No.0020 North British 31yo 1991 1st Fill Barrel 45.0%

Distillery:North British
Bottling Brand:WHISKY AGE
Series No.:No.0020
Stated Age:31
Cask Type:1st Fill Barrel
Cask No.:264536
Number of Bottles:189


WHISKY AGE, No.0020, North British, 31yo, 1991, 1st Fill Barrel, 45.0%

《WHISKY AGE・威士忌時代》與畫家 MasonYin 莓森林合作的「音樂家人物系列」第二款 WHISKY AGE, North British, 31yo 正式發行!


【Introduction of this dram】
為了搭配莫扎特喝著珍珠奶茶遛狗如此讓人感到愉快氛圍,我們選了這款高年份 North British 穀物威士忌,整體表現輕鬆無負擔,口感輕盈不單調,滑順般的口感就如同酒標呈現輕鬆愜意的感覺,讓人感到放鬆且不自覺又多倒了一杯來喝。


MasonYin is a talented painter and musician. You can see his artwork appearing in a column dedicated to music & painting in the MUZIK Magazine, or in musically themed cafes co-opened with corporates, as well as in gift shop items for the national orchestra NSO. In addition, he also focuses on teaching adults violin, he is a true artist that works across different areas. Therefore, you can see classical musicians, instruments, bands and orchestras appearing in his artwork as if they were playing right in front of you.

MasonYin's FB:https://www.facebook.com/masonyindesign
MasonYin's IG:https://www.instagram.com/masonyin/


【Introduction of Distillery】
North British 是蘇格蘭最古老和最大的穀物威士忌生產商其中一家,1885 年,安德魯·亞瑟 (Andrew Usher)、威廉·桑德森 (William Sanderson) 和約翰·克拉比 (John Crabbie) 在愛丁堡西邊郊區創建了 North Britain Distillery Company,這三位創辦人背景有獨立的調酒師和自有威士忌品牌的銷售商,他們聯手建造經營這家酒廠來供應自家生產的穀物烈酒。

現在這家酒廠是愛丁堡目前僅剩唯一一家的穀物威士忌酒廠,由於是 Diageo 和 Edrington 合資企業,生產出的原酒用於兩家集團調和威士忌裡,有 Diageo 的 Johnnie Walker 和 Edrington 的 Famous Grouse。


Tasting Notes

Nose: Smooth yellow fruit aromas, like banana, apple, and citrus, followed by salty cream, oatmeal, herbs, coconut, and spices.

Palate: Soft palate. Citrus, candied salty-sweet sensation, cherry, juniper aroma, a hint of dry floral scent, salty cream, nuts, walnut, a hint of woodiness, herbs, a cool mint sensation, and spices.

Finish: Medium to long. Delicate citrus, cherry, banana, cream, vanilla, mint, coconut, woodiness, herbal tea, and spices.

Overall, it’s light and smooth to drink, with a gentle fruity sweetness that extends from the aroma to the palate. The palate carries a hint of dry flowers and mint herbal tea, and the delicate sensation makes one want to take a few more sips to remember the taste.

Sold Out.

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