The Whisky Blues No.033, Jamaican Rum JDOK, 13yo 2009/2022, Barrel, Cask No. 7, 252 Bottles, 61%
Nuomi “BossCat's BookStore” Label Series 1/6
JDOK 指的是 H 酒廠的 Mark: DOK,對應的酯值含量為 1500 – 1600 gr/HLPA,是 Mark 裡含量最高的等級。而牙買加國家法規規定,蘭姆酒的酯值最高不得超過 1600,這款逼近法規上限的 JDOK,絕對是一支酯值爆彈。
想感受超重酯值究竟是什麼滋味,絕對不要錯過這款少見的 JDOK。炸裂!
★ About illustrator on labels
This time, six labels of《The Whisky Blues・威士忌藍調》new series are co-worked with諾米, which were selected from「Boss Cat's Bookstore」series, including Magic Wand, Book of nomads, Book of Vending Machine, Fish Shop, Herb Shop and Forever Flower Shop, each bookstore is structured by books.
本次新品 JDOK 強烈的風味特性,正好呼應選用的酒標畫作「魔杖街」。想像在魔法道具屋裡買到的補充法力藥水,也許正就是這樣的滋味。
Tasting Notes
Nose: Strong ripe bananas, ripe fruits, Taiwanese candied fruit salty-sweet aroma, rubber, cream, honey syrup, roasted almonds, licorice, wood, mint, cardamom and spices.
Palate: Full-bodied. Taiwanese candied fruit salty-sweet notes, ripe bananas, citrus, berry fruit acidity, rubber, cream, roasted almonds, licorice, wood, cardamom and spices.
Finish: Medium to long. Ripe bananas, citrus, dried pineapples, honey syrup, cream, roasted almonds, licorice olives, wood, cardamom and spices.
Definitely a high esters rum. Appealing ripe banana aroma when pouring into glass. A second smell reveals ripe fruits and rubbery notes. Rich and textual aromas. Very vibrant on the palate, with berry fruit acidity, cream, honey syrup, licorice olives, wood, cardamom and spices. The finish is sweet after the mouth-watering intense taste. This is a heavy punch rum with a special violent aesthetic, but the more you drink, the better it tastes!
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