The Whisky Blues No.059 Cognac Vallein Tercinier Lot 90 54.2%

Distillery:Vallein Tercinier
Bottling Brand:The Whisky Blues
Series No.:No.059
Lot 90
Stated Age:32
Cask Type:Oak
Number of Bottles:142


The Whisky Blues, No.059, Vallein Tercinier, Lot 90, 54.2%

《The Whisky Blues》No.059, Vallein Tercinier, Lot 90 for 《WHISKY AGE LIQUID LIBRARY》Opening Celebration.



Vallein Tercinier 是一家完全獨立的家族企業,500年以來一直在蒸餾和熟成所有不同年份的生命之水,為干邑愛好者提供最佳選擇。

這桶干邑則是來自於優質林區(Fins Bois),該區的風土特徵是海洋性氣候和各種不同的土壤類型構成,從含鐵豐富的紅色岩石土壤到重質粘土和碎片狀的白堊土和石灰岩都有。優質林區干邑主要由 Ugni Blanc 白葡萄製成,加入一定比例的 Colombard 和 Folle Blanche 白葡萄。具有明顯的果香和花香氣息,酒體以紮實與優雅相互平衡而著稱。

《艾雷重擊・酒精與咖啡因》在裝潢期間時,代理品牌之一的 Maltbarn 提議是否考慮一起聯名呢?想像著於店裡明亮的空間和舒服的氛圍中,慢慢地品味一杯優質林區的高品質干邑,實在非常吸引人。
於是在沒試樣本的情況下就答應了 Maltbarn 的邀約。
直到酒款空運來台後開瓶品嚐才見真章。喝一口,哇~打從心底覺得當初答應聯名的決定真是太對了,太好喝了啊。香氣甜美柔和、葡萄果香甜美香氣四溢,口感滑潤,透著紫色花香、花蜜、果乾、巧克力和辛香料。繼蘭姆酒後 The Whisky Blues 再度任性地推出品牌第一款干邑,不過相信喝過這款酒的朋友們,一定會認同有時候衝動和任性也能造就出美好的結果,對吧!?


Tasting Notes

Nose: rich grape, berry and strawberry jam scent. Soft and smooth toffee, coffee, chocolate, nuts, cinnamon and spices.

Palate: full-bodied and juicy raisin, grape, berry, violet nectar, jam, chocolate, nuts, walnuts, wooden dryness and spices.

Finish: medium to long finish. Sweet grapes, berry, dried fruit, nectar, coffee, chocolate, nuts, walnuts, wooden dryness, cinnamon and spices.

Sweet and soft grapes both in its taste and on the nose. On the palate, well rounded taste of toffee, chocolate, coffee, nuts, wooden dryness and spices. Furthermore, hints of violet flower comes through, as if one is enjoying a lovely afternoon tea in the garden.


Sold Out.

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