The Whisky Blues No.034, Burnside, 28yo, 1994, Hogshead, #5139, 229 Bottles, 47.8%
Nuomi “BossCat's BookStore” Label Series 6/6
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Whisky AGE 與畫家 Nuomi 諾米 合作的「貓老闆的書店」最終壓軸第六款 – 漁之書:28 年的老 Burnside,正式公開!
Burnside 指的是 Balvenie 百富酒廠的湯匙桶,這應該是大家最熟悉的湯匙桶別名了。百富酒廠在台灣的市場耕耘得早,是早期比較容易取得的幾個 OB 品牌之一,當年應該有很多酒友就是被它的蜂蜜與果香啟蒙,進而踏入了單一麥芽這個廣闊的世界。
接觸 IB 之後,發現還有湯匙桶這個新天地,常常也是從百富湯匙桶 – Burnside 開始的。既有單桶的豐富度,又有百富特有的柔美,風味穩定性高,幾乎可說是人見人愛的品項。特別是年紀夠大的老 Burnside,好喝又稀有(Whiskybase 整個資料庫的 Burnside 也才不到 120 筆),絕對值得一收。
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Tasting Notes
Nose: Bright floral scent together with the sweetness of melon, honey, butter, almond, vanilla and some spices
Palate: Well-rounded juicy taste including tangerine, apricot, melon, sweet sourness of a candied fruit, floral honey, nuts, vanilla and some dryness
Finish: Medium to long thin finish. Peach, melon, tangerine, honey syrup, nuts, licorice and spices.
Overall performance is not complex but the flavour profile is clear: obvious floral taste together with the sweetness from fruit and the slipperiness of butter. The ABV is just perfect for the full flavour to come through in a balanced manner.
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