Secret Highland 1978, 15yo, Refill Sherry Butt, 221bottles, 43.6%
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這支新品項是一款不能說出酒廠名字的高地威士忌,於是 The Roots 在酒標上發揮巧思偷偷暗示:看看那在草地上一顆顆的番茄(tomato),酒廠似乎就呼之欲出了!當然喝起來不會是番茄味,而是明亮活潑的果香甜味。
The Roots 創辦人提到這桶酒液,是在 2020年就從橡木桶取出,然後放置在 IBC 中性桶裡,直到 2023年才裝瓶。按規距來說是桶熟成 42年的威士忌,而非 45年。所以酒標上除了沒標示酒齡,並依循 SWA 準則標示 “Disgorged” 的日期,以忠實呈現這款酒的狀態。
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Nose: sweet and bright aromas of sweet oranges, apples, mangso, melons, marshmallow, honey syrup, malt, nuts, creamy chocolate, wood, mint, and spices.
Palate: medium-bodied with notes of citrus, apples, grapefruits, passion fruits, malt, honey syrup, nuts, hops, herbs, wood, and spices.
Finish: medium, Citrus, pineapples, dried fruits, subtle passion fruits, honey syrup, nuts, herbs, wood, cardamom, and spices.
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