Released in 2021: Whisky AGE Ltd.’s second independent bottling brand



|Distribution Channel In Taiwan

台灣各地有許多相當專業的酒品專賣店。艾雷重擊第二個自有品牌 WHISKY AGE 很高興能與這些酒專合作,讓我們用心挑選的酒款得以更深入台灣的每個角落,服務在地客戶。所以,在台灣 WHISKY AGE 系列僅於合作經銷酒專上架,艾雷重擊自己並不銷售。至於海外經銷,則是兩個品牌皆有。

|Our Cask Selection Philosophy

The most important ethos of Whisky AGE Ltd. is to only bottle spirits that move us.

This statement may seem obvious, but it is full of challenges when put into action. No matter how challenging, we will continue on our path.

|Less wild and more consideration

相較 The Whisky Blues 全然的任性,WHISKY AGE 選酒的方向有些許不同。想像今天要和一位重要的朋友聚會,帶的酒一定要夠好喝,這是基本底線。但還不太能確定他的喜好,於是考慮著「也許那些太激烈的不要帶」、「這瓶好,他一定會喜歡!」,以這樣的心情來選酒。多了一份把共飲的對方放在心上的溫柔。

|Select from a wide range of casks in our inventory

This is the process of how Whisky AGE Ltd. selects its casks: first we expand our cask inventory, not only do we want casks to be of good quality, we also want a wide range of variety. This way we are able to take our time to examine how each cask performs by extracting samples regularly. When a cask is still too young or has not met our standard, we will wait for it to mature, even if it takes 10 or 20 years. Whisky AGE Ltd. aims to be around for generations, we are not in a rush!

|Select good spirits, not just the name of the distillery, place of origin or style

One cask, one world. The name of the distillery does not represent the flavour of each single cask. When we select which cask to bottle, we focus on the taste and flavour, this is the most important. At the same time, whether it is Scotch single malt, single grain, Irish whiskey, rum or any other type of alcohol, as long as it is worthy of a recommendation, we will bottle it!

|Theme of the Label: Tree Rings

在木桶中的熟成歲月,是威士忌之所以成為威士忌的重要過程。而年輪和威士忌一樣,背後皆代表著數年、數十年、甚至是一整個時代的光陰。每—口琥珀色的烈酒,都是經過了悠長時間等待才有的迷人成果。在 WHISKY AGE 系列,我們以年輪象徵時光,向威士忌致敬。

|Global Distribution Channel

Many thanks to the recognition of our international partners, currently we have 9 distributors worldwide, 10 in Taiwan. All of our bottlings have all scored highly with international spirit critics.


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702023 台南市南區水交社路 35 號

No. 35, Shuijiaoshe Rd., South Dist., Tainan City 702023, Taiwan

Copyright © since 2019 艾雷重擊酒業有限公司(台灣)Whisky Age Ltd. (Taiwan) All rights reserved

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