WHISKY AGE No.0024 Jura 2006 16yo Barrel 54.2%

Bottling Brand:WHISKY AGE
Series No.:No.0024
Stated Age:16
Cask Type:Barrel
Cask No.:8001643
Volume:700 ml
Number of Bottles:214


WHISKY AGE, No.0024, Jura, 2006, 16yo, Barrel, 54.2%

The new series《Tuxedo Cat, Pon Pon》is now available in Taiwan. These adorable labels were created by the artist Zhi Zhi.

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Zhi Zhi is a cat-themed illustrator who loves the night and plants. She excels at using light and shadow to create an atmosphere that is lonely yet warm. Under Zhi Zhi’s pen, Tuxedo Cat, Pon Pon is a cat that is full of world-weariness towards life, yet is curious about new things. Even when encountering any difficulties in life, she will always find a foothold amidst the troubles.

Zhi Zhi Tuxedo Cat Pon Pon's FB:https://www.facebook.com/tommountain33
Zhi Zhi Tuxedo Cat Pon Pon's IG:https://www.instagram.com/tom_mountain33



Watermelon from the summer

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【Introduction of Distillery】

Jura 島可算是蘇格蘭一個很特殊的存在,存在島嶼上的威士忌橡木桶可能比居住人口還要多,而 Jura 酒廠就在外界難以到達的這塊島嶼誕生。經歷了兩個不同時代的經營,最初從 1831年開始營運,中間歷經數次轉手之外,還曾在 1901年關閉並拆除了設備;直到 1960年後開始重建和擴廠,1963年才開始進行重建後的第一次蒸餾。這一等就是 60年。
Jura 酒廠想要做出的風格是「高地型麥芽威士忌」,而非 1900年生產的泥煤威士忌酒款。其蒸餾器高度算是在島嶼區裡排名前幾名的,因此能產生輕盈具果香的威士忌調性。

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Nose: rounded fruit aroma. Citrus, dried fruits, a hint of white grape fruitiness, malt, honey syrup, cream chocolate, walnuts, wood, herbs, and spices.
Palate: medium texture. Rounded peaches, citrus, sweet and salty candied fruits, cream, nectar, wood, cardamom, and spices.
Finish: medium to long. Peaches, citrus, candied plum sweet and salty taste, banana, honey, ginger, woody tannins, and spices.

Bright white grape fruitiness and creamy chocolate aroma, paired with rounded peaches, citrus, and a hint of honey sweetness.

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In stock, please contact with our distributors; or contact us in our facebook group 艾雷重擊 Whisky AGE 威士忌社團 .

And welcome to chat with us: LINE OpenChat《艾雷重擊・聚落》 .

702023 台南市南區水交社路 35 號

No. 35, Shuijiaoshe Rd., South Dist., Tainan City 702023, Taiwan

Copyright © since 2019 艾雷重擊酒業有限公司(台灣)Whisky Age Ltd. (Taiwan) All rights reserved

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