WHISKY AGE No.0034 Glenrothes 2013 10yo Hogshead 61%

Bottling Brand:WHISKY AGE
Series No.:No.0034
Stated Age:10yo
Cask Type:Hogshead
Cask No.:1701
Volume:700 ml
Number of Bottles:272


WHISKY AGE No.0034 Glenrothes 2013 10yo Hogshead 61%

The new series of WHISKY AGE: “Tainan 400” with the labels which were illustrated by the Taiwan’s artist Hong Fu-Tian.

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【Introduction of Artist】

Hong Fu-Tian, born in Tainan, has been traditional painter for many years, especially using the technique of watermark woodcut.

The Japanese writer Nishikawa Mitsuru integrated his feelings about Taiwan into his literature and painting. Hong Fu-Tian was inspired and deeply moved by this, this led him to re-explore his feelings for his hometown and transform this emotion into art, in turn his work has deep and profound connections to his homeland.

Tainan, one of the oldest cities in Taiwan, has been constantly evolving. This city is the perfect muse for Hong Fu-Tian's emotions and creations.


【酒標介紹】- 台南孔子廟

台南孔子廟創建於明永曆 19年(1665年),原名「先師聖廟」,已有三百多年的歷史,是臺灣歷史最悠久、地位最崇高的儒家廟宇之一,也是臺灣歷史上第一所官學,被譽為「全臺首學」。

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【Introduction of Distillery】

Glenrothes 酒廠可以說是經歷許多災難卻如浴火鳳凰般地生存下來的一間酒廠,1879年 12月 28日第一滴新酒從蒸餾器流出的同天,發生了泰橋災難(Tay Bridge disaster),後續到 1962年這期間酒廠總共發生了三次爆炸及火災,但依然持續營運到了今日。

Glenrothes 酒廠的水質較軟帶出乾淨輕盈口感,緩慢蒸餾創造出明亮細緻又帶些許複雜層次感的酒體。在過去大多被用於調和威士忌品牌中,像是順風(Cutty Sark)和威雀(Famous Grouse),較少被以單一麥芽威士忌的方式裝瓶釋出。

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Nose: gentle berries, raisins, a hint of sherry, toffee, salted butter, chocolate, walnuts, licorice, wood, cinnamon, cardamom, and black pepper.

Palate: rounded sherry notes, dried fruits, berries, citrus, toffee, chocolate, walnuts, tobacco, wood, and spices.

Finish: medium. Citrus, dried fruits, raspberries, cherries, toffee, chocolate, walnuts, leather, mint, wood, and spices.

The aroma is rich with sherry notes, raisins, berries, and other fruity sweetness, accompanied by chocolate and spices. The clean and rounded palate brings out berry tartness, dark chocolate, tobacco, wood, and spices, making it a thought-provoking spirit.

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702023 台南市南區水交社路 35 號

No. 35, Shuijiaoshe Rd., South Dist., Tainan City 702023, Taiwan

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