WHISKY AGE No.0036 Caol Ila 2010 13yo Refill Barrel 55.4%

Distillery:Caol Ila
Bottling Brand:WHISKY AGE
Series No.:No.0036
Stated Age:13yo
Cask Type:Refill Barrel​
Cask No.:319312
Volume:700 ml
Number of Bottles:220


WHISKY AGE No.0036 Caol Ila 2010 13yo Refill Barrel 55.4%

The new series of WHISKY AGE: “Tainan 400” with the labels which were illustrated by the Taiwan’s artist Hong Fu-Tian.

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【Introduction of Artist】

Hong Fu-Tian, born in Tainan, has been traditional painter for many years, especially using the technique of watermark woodcut.

The Japanese writer Nishikawa Mitsuru integrated his feelings about Taiwan into his literature and painting. Hong Fu-Tian was inspired and deeply moved by this, this led him to re-explore his feelings for his hometown and transform this emotion into art, in turn his work has deep and profound connections to his homeland.

Tainan, one of the oldest cities in Taiwan, has been constantly evolving. This city is the perfect muse for Hong Fu-Tian's emotions and creations.


【酒標介紹】- 台南公會堂


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【Introduction of Distillery】

1846年,Hector Henderson 決定在艾雷島東海岸的 Port Askaig 旁的一個狹窄海灣建造一家小型酒廠。他將這個酒廠命名為 Caol Ila,蓋爾語意為「艾雷島海峽」(Sound of Islay),這片水域正好在酒廠的俯瞰之下。

雖然以生產泥煤威士忌為著稱,但 Caol Ila 在 1999年因當時產業環境關係而開始生產無泥煤威士忌。在生產泥煤威士忌的整個製程中則採用較長的發酵時間、較高的酒心切點及較高的蒸餾器等都有助於減少重酚類化合物產生,後續主要都在二次填充波本桶中進行熟成,使其帶有清新、果香和些許花香的特質。

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Nose: gentle peaty fruit aroma, smoke, citrus, lemons, green apples, and saltiness. The mid-palate continues with saltiness, malt, charcoal, honey syrup, nuts, ginger, hay, wood, mineral notes, and a hint of ash.

Palate: rounded with smoke, peat, lemons, malt, honey syrup, butter, nuts, cocoa, woody notes, mint, hay, and pepper.

Finish: medium to long. Peat, smoke, citrus, dried fruits, butter, nuts, ginger, vanilla, wood, cardamom, and spices.

The rounded peaty smoke is accompanied by citrus and lemon fruit aromas. The smooth palate brings out the sweet and savory flavors of charcoal and woody notes, making it a delightful experience.

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702023 台南市南區水交社路 35 號

No. 35, Shuijiaoshe Rd., South Dist., Tainan City 702023, Taiwan

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