The Whisky Blues No.048 Bushmills 2002 20yo 54%

Bottling Brand:The Whisky Blues
Series No.:No.048
Stated Age:20
Cask Type:Barrel
Cask No.:11344
Number of Bottles:212


The Whisky Blues, No.048, Bushmills, 2002, 20yo, 54%

《The Whisky Blues・威士忌藍調》No.048 Bushmills 20yo for《守護黑面琵鷺》紀念裝瓶正式發行!

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《守護黑面琵鷺》這部紀錄片是梁皆得導演花了 30年的時間拍攝而成,紀錄著有「黑琵先生」之稱的王徵吉先生及許多保育人士對於黑面琵鷺的深厚情感:不斷投入大量心力關注生態保育,讓從原先不到 300隻即將瀕臨絕種的黑面琵鷺,慢慢繁衍增加數量,直到 2022年已達 3000 多隻較為穩定的狀態。

就如同創建於 1743年的 Bushmills 酒廠,在 1885年經歷一場大火後重建,接著又於 1920 年受到美國禁酒令對愛爾蘭威士忌產業的沉重打擊後,現今 Bushmills 仍然頑強地存活了下來。
“We’re not the best because we’re the oldest, we’re the oldest because we’re the best.”(我們並非因為最老所以成為最好,我們是因為最好所以才能成為最老。)酒廠首席蒸餾師 Colum Egan 說出的這句話,正代表著 Bushmills 對自家生產的酒質充滿信心。

無論是守護黑面琵鷺的保育人士,還是 Bushmills 裡的製酒職人,都各自用他們的語言與與歲月痕跡,訴說著一段又一段的故事。我們將這桶可以標示酒廠名稱的 Bushmills 獻為這部紀錄片的紀念裝瓶,並提撥每瓶台幣 500元捐贈予《財團法人高雄市野鳥學會》。大家在喝酒的同時,也對生態保育盡了些許心力,讓守護鳥類與環境的這份心意延續下去。


Tasting Notes

Nose: Full-bodied tangerine, plum, apple, floral scent, oat, butter, herbs, wooden dryness and spices.

Palate: Well-founded tangerine, pineapple, light passion fruit, nectar, malt, nuts, ginger, wooden dryness and spices.

Finish: Medium finish. Tangerine, plum, floral scent, nectar, nuts, wooden dryness, licorice and spices.

it's fresh on the nose together with some sweetness of yellow fruit, malt, nectar, herbs and wooden dryness, yet still well balanced. Sweet rounded taste with passion fruit, tangerine, malt, vanilla herbs, fresh wooden dryness and spices. It's a crowd pleaser.

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