The Whisky Blues No.047 Benriach 1997 26yo Hogshead 61.2%
“The Whisky Blues” has officially released the sixth edition of the “Mountain Climbing Series”, a collaboration with the artist 鴨寶Where’s Hazel?.
鴨寶 Where’s Hazel? 這幅畫是在菁桐車站往日式宿舍群的公路旁的一座爬滿植物、長滿青苔的廢棄橋墩,自從她知道淡蘭古道後,每次跟隨 GPX 走的時候,都能遇見很多驚奇的角落與過往的生活遺跡。
Benriach 酒廠從 1897年建立後不到 3年的時間,即於 1900年被封存了將近 65年漫長的歲月,到 1965年才重新恢復正常生產。而這封存的 65年間,Benriach 仍持續生產地板發麥的麥芽供給 Longmorn 酒廠使用。
地板發麥在 1998年後停止,直到 2013年才在新團隊營運下重新啟動。這桶來自於 1997年的 Benriach 就是地板發麥即將停止前蒸餾出來的酒液,有著淡淡的煙燻果香、果乾、巧克力、菸草和些許令人回味無窮的老酒氣息。
【Introduction of Artist】
"鴨寶 Where’s Hazel? " is a passionate graphic designer and a mountain climbing enthusiast. Since her student days, she has been focused on painting and video art, and was nominated for the Taipei Art Award in 2008. A lover of nature, she often climbs the hundred peaks of Taiwan. In 2019, she completed the European pilgrimage route spanning thousands of kilometers, and in 2023, she completed the Pacific Crest Trail in the United States. Her unique painting style and relaxed brush strokes allow viewers to feel as if they are immersed in the scenery of the painting. Come and witness her exciting mountain climbing life!
鴨寶 Where’s Hazel? Facebook Fan Page
鴨寶 Where’s Hazel? IG
Tasting Notes
Nose: slight smoky fruitiness with the smell of sherry, berry, tangerine, chocolate, nuts, tobacco, tea and spices.
Palate: full-bodied woodiness, raisin, dried fruit, melon, toffee, chocolate, nuts, liquorice and spices.
Finish: medium to long finish. Bright sweetness of melon, banana mochi, pear, apple, chocolate, nuts, wooden dryness, vanilla, mint and spices.
On the nose it is soft and smoky fruitiness together with the scent of sherry, berry, apple, sweet and sourness of candied fruit blended with a rich dark nutty scent. On the palate, when it first enters one's mouth, one experiences solid woodiness. Thereafter, the taste of raisin, dried fruit, chocolate, tobacco, woodiness and spices spread in one's mouth.
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