The Whisky Blues, No.037, Ben Nevis, 1996, 26yo, 53.2%
The Whisky Blues, No.037, Ben Nevis for WHISKY AGE CONCEPT STORE Opening Celebration!
Ben Nevis Distillery was established in 1825 and is one of the oldest distilleries in Scotland. The distillery is located at the foot of the highest mountain in the UK, Ben Nevis, which has a peak altitude of 4,406 feet. It was the first distillery in the region to legally produce whisky.
在 Ben Nevis 酒廠不斷易主的歷史中,1955 年由當時的經營者 Joseph Hobbs 安裝了考菲蒸餾器(Coffey Still),成為當時該產區第一家可以同時生產麥芽與穀物威士忌的酒廠。現在酒廠由日本 Nikka 公司在1989年收購後營運至今,有一大部分基酒都提供給 Nikka Black 調和使用。
《艾雷重擊・品牌概念店》的成立就猶如 1955年時的 Ben Nevis 酒廠一樣,不僅提供自有裝瓶品牌及代理品牌酒款單杯品飲,還有整瓶販售的模式,可以說是水交社區首家以此獨特型態經營的概念店。
開店紀念裝瓶則是精心挑選在整體水準表現都非常優異的 1996年蒸餾的 Ben Nevis 裝瓶,就是為了感謝這幾年來自多方支持才能讓這家店應運而生,當品飲到這款擁有甜美果香調性的 Ben Nevis 就像置身於風格明亮清新的店裡品飲著一款又一款讓人感到喜悅的酒。
Tasting Notes
Nose: smooth and sweet tangerine, apricot, melon, butter, nutty chocolate, wooden dryness, waxiness, cardamom and spices.
Palate: well rounded dark berries, dry fruit, plum, tangerine, pineapple, malt, nectar, butter chocolate, wooden dryness, mint, taste of tea and spices.
Finish: medium ripe tangerine, dry fruit, melon, smell of a green apple, nuts, honey syrup, wooden dryness, herbs, cardamom and spices.
it's fresh on the nose together with some sweetness of yellow fruit, malt, nectar, herbs and wooden dryness, yet still well balanced. Sweet rounded taste with passion fruit, tangerine, malt, vanilla herbs, fresh wooden dryness and spices. It's a crowd pleaser.
Sold Out.
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