The Whisky Blues No.035, Jamaican Rum HD MJH3, 10yo, 2012, Barrel, #40, 235 Bottles, 59.9%
Nuomi “BossCat's BookStore” Label Series 5/6
Joint bottling with 夜底拾花
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酒廠不能標,但各位看到牙買加以及 HD 這兩個關鍵字,應該明白又是那間不能說的 H 酒廠了吧。畢竟艾雷重擊說好要把這間我們超愛酒廠的各種 Mark 裝一輪,當然是裝好裝滿,沒有要收手的意思。
MJH3 不是 H 酒廠的標準 Mark 標示,對應起來,它指的是 OWH, 酯質落在 40-80 (g/hl aa) 之間,是 H 酒廠酯質最輕的一階。溫柔不刺激的熟香蕉,再加上黑巧克力與果乾,尾韻是青草茶那種回甘的感覺,層次很豐富。
這款 MJH3,與花蓮神秘又低調的酒吧 夜底拾花 聯名。酒吧是真的低調,第一次拜訪明明是知道地址才去的,還是在路上來回找了幾次,最後鼓起勇氣推門進到起士店裡詢問,才找到酒吧的真正入口。老闆本身是個熱情而溫暖的人,我猜,這也許是為了把溫暖與熱情完整保留給願意花力氣找到隱密入口的酒友而做的特別安排吧。在同溫層裡喝的酒總是好喝三倍。
夜底拾花 FB:
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Tasting Notes
Color: Amber
Nose: Scent of a ripe banana, apricot, sweet sour ripe preserved fruit, toffee, caramel, honey, licorice, waxiness and spices.
Palate: Clear taste of apricot, pineapple, licorice olive, toffee, coffee, roasted almonds with some dryness and spices.
Finish: Medium to long finish. Apricot peel, dry fruit, melon, licorice olive, ripe banana, toffee, coffee, nuts and spices.
Overall it is a well balanced Jamaican rum. Soft on the nose with the scent of a ripe banana, apricot, pineapple, honey, coffee and spices. As time passes, you can feel the sweetness becomes more obvious. It is clean on the mouth with slight sourness from the fruits, one does not feel the intensity of high ABV at 59.9%. Licorice olive, sweet sourness from preserved fruit, honey, slight dryness and spices. This is how one should get to know Jamaican rum.
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