The Whisky Blues No.001 Invergordon 44yo 1974 46.5%

Bottling Brand:The Whisky Blues
Series No.:No.001
Stated Age:44
Cask Type:Refill Butt
Volume:700 ml
Cask No.:29
Number of Bottles:250


The Whisky Blues No.001, Invergordon, 44yo, 1974, Refill Butt, 46.5%

Being a whisky lover for years, "bottle the whisky under own brand name" was always an interesting idea only and never been a realistic plan, until this one.

We received some samples last year (2017) and tasted most of them. This sample was put aside before being tasted due to its not-so-interesting companies we tasted. This year (2018), we started to clean up the table occupied by varied samples by drinking all of them, then we’re amazed by this sample. We almost missed it, but luckily we met each other finally. It’s the first time we have the desire to bottle one whisky cask under our own brand name.

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Followed by lots of help from friends designing the brand LOGO, drawing the paint, and designing the label, this whisky is now staying in the under bond warehouse in UK and waiting for shipment, finally. One or two months later, this whisky will be available in the Netherlands, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and China. We will announce the detail information of our partners later before the bottles being arrived at the stores.

⇨ Whiskyfun: 89
⇨ WhiskyNotes: 89

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It’s not an expected way to start our bottling brand in this way and with this whisky, but it happened that the distilled year of this whisky is the birth year of the friends, who designed the LOGO and label, and me. It’s a small coincidence and surprise, like a gift for myself this year.

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