Little Brown Dog MCJB Jamaica Rum Refill Barrel 58.1%

Long Pond 2005 Pot Distill
Clarendon 2007 Column Still
Clarendon 2007 Pot Still
New Yarmouth 2005 Pot Still
Worthy Park 2008 Pot Still
Blended together into this refill barrel in 2015.

Cask Type:Refill Barrel
Number of Bottles:250


Little Brown Dog MCJB Jamaica Rum Refill Barrel 58.1%

New bottlings of Little Brown Dog Spirits. Four Whiskies, one Calvados and one Jamaican Rum.

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Little Brown Dog 說這桶或許是目前他們裝瓶中最棒的蘭姆酒了。於 2015年勾兌了來自於牙買加四家酒廠五種不同的蘭姆酒後,繼續在橡木桶熟成,造就出這款極度美味的蘭姆酒。

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Nose: Star fruit, muscat grapes, caramelised bananas
Palate: Gooseberry fool, lime zest, thyme
Finish: Pomegranate, sponge fingers and all spice

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In stock, please contact with our distributors; or contact us in our facebook group 艾雷重擊 Whisky AGE 威士忌社團 .

And welcome to chat with us: LINE OpenChat《艾雷重擊・聚落》 .

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