MNIW Horizon Sunset Clynelish 1996 25yo Oloroso Sherry Refill 54.6%

Bottling Brand:My Name Is Whisky – MNIW​
Stated Age:25​
Cask Type:Oloroso Sherry Refill
Volume:700 ml​
Number of Bottles:60​


Horizon Sunset|Clynelish 1996, 25yo​, 54.6%, Oloroso Sherry Refill, 60 bottles​

Sunset, when nostalgically we look to the past before jumping into an unknown world.
It is time to look back and evaluate what has been done so far. Thus, with a spirit full of nostalgia, we prepare to face a new tomorrow.
"When our inner vision opens, our horizons expanded"

Nose: marine Scent, Wax, Honey, slightly Peaty

Palate: splash of Seawater, Lemon Jam, Vanilla, Leather, Butter

Finish: medium-long, Sweet with a subtly Bitter finish, lightly Spicy.

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A new brand from Italy​

MNIW: Our 4th agent brand

來自義大利的「My Name Is Whisky」—— 我的名字是威士忌,簡稱 MNIW。在現代社會一路將威士忌推往文化創新的方向走時,持續訴說威士忌數百年傳統背後的那些故事。​

也因此,MNIW 其實有兩個身份:不僅是個獨立裝瓶品牌,同時也是獨立出版事業。​

創辦人 Simon Paul Murat 經過幾年的醞釀之後,創業的第一個計畫從出版開始。一本 34 公分 x 25 公分的精裝大書,收錄許多珍稀酒款,精美的照片尺寸只比酒瓶原尺寸小一些而已,書名就叫《My Name Is Whisky – Single Malt Scotch Whisky》。兩年前第一次翻開這本書時,正巧看到書裡收錄了當時握在手中的那杯 30 年 Ardbeg 老 OB,十分感動。​


2019,品牌第一個系列 Capsule Collection 誕生,計畫將獻給七位威士忌界的大師。首款裝瓶 Mortlach 22yo,致敬的就是引領義大利威士忌 50 年的 Giorgio D’Ambrosio。之後的第二款,則是 2020 裝瓶,獻給 Mark Watt 的 Glenrothes 24yo。​

2020,Simon 的女兒 Francesca Murat 加入團隊,同時也帶入年輕的創意與火花。隔年 2021 隨即推出新系列 The Signature of MNIW – Horizon Collection,以三款裝瓶為一組,描述一段探索內心世界的故事。​

品牌的 Logo 由七個不同顏色的線條構成,分別代表:人文、聯結、熱情、創意、知識、真實、合作,象徵著 MNIW 的自我價值與期許。​

於是我們會發現,不愧是來自擅長打造精品的國度義大利,無需多說,MNIW 的酒自然就散發著耀眼的光芒。​

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Horizon Series from MNIW​

Simon Paul Murat 的女兒 Francesca 於 2020 年加入團隊,帶來年輕的創意與火花。隔年 2021,「The Signature of MNIW」系列誕生。​

MNIW 在這個新系列傳達的是品牌再生的故事。故事關於人在面對生命的挑戰時,如何做出艱難的決策,從而投身創造全新的事物。儘管此時感到恐懼與顫慄襲來,有如縱身躍入一片虛無。​

故事的第一段,「Horizon 水平線」三部曲以三款裝瓶,重述了開創品牌時的三個重要時刻。​

🥃 Sunset, when nostalgically we look to the past before jumping into an unknown world.
It is time to look back and evaluate what has been done so far. Thus, with a spirit full of nostalgia, we prepare to face a new tomorrow.
“When our inner vision opens, our horizons expanded”
・ Clynelish 1996, 25yo​

🥃 Nightfall, the moment of suspension when we take a break to reflect on the change that is coming. Also, the most difficult time when we so often doubt even ourselves.
It is now that we also contemplate our inner self, in the coils of the night when we are assaulted by a thousand self-doubts.A bittersweet moment, complex in its beauty, like the whisky we selected for this bottling. We dwell in the sweet illusion of the night that expands its hours, making them endless. Almost pretending that the hour of confrontation will never come.
“Nightfall, when words fade and things come alive.”
・ Ardbeg 1996, 25yo​

🥃 Sunrise, when we finally see the light unravelling the coils of night to herald a new beginning that promises wonders.
Talisker, the whisky we selected for this bottling, fully represents this concept. The distillery is known throughout the whisky world, yet it has had countless false starts and abrupt stops during the course of its history. Yet, after the fire in 1960 that almost destroyed everything, Talisker was reborn from its ashes and has become one of the best-loved distilleries.
"Sunrise remind us that we can start a new beginning from anywhere."
・ Talisker 1995, 26yo​

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Sold Out.

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