Wu Dram Clan MAUXION 1945 Cognac Petite Champagne 60%

Cru:Cognac Petite Champagne
Brand:Wu Dram Clan
Stated Age:-
Cask Type:OAK


Wu Dram Clan, WDC001, Mauxion, 1945, Cognac, Petite Champagne, 60%

• 創辦人: 由來自京都的 Takesado、來自慕尼黑的 Boris,以及來自黑森林的 Sebastian 三位好友所組成
• 品牌於 2018 創立,所有選桶都須三位成員一致同意才會推出,成立以來獲得許多高分好評
• 裝瓶類型相當廣。包括威士忌(蘇格蘭的麥芽與穀物、美國波本、北歐酒廠……)、蘭姆酒、干邑、雅馬邑,都有
• 品牌名稱源自知名嘻哈團體「Wu-Tang Clan(武當幫)」,所以我們將 Wu DRAM Clan 中文名字譯為「武酒幫」,就是為了致敬這段由來

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Nose: smooth grape aroma, jam, subtle ripe lychee, ripe fruits, citrus, chocolate, nuts, wood, soil, cloves, cinnamon, mint, and spices.

Palate: rounded grapes, candied fruits, citrus, dried fruits, almonds, nuts, bright honey sweetness, wood, nutmeg, tobacco, and spices.

Finish: medium to long. Grapes, berries, citrus, berries, creamy chocolate, nuts, wood, nutmeg, and pepper.

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