Maltbarn, Granville (Secret Clynelish), 22yo, 2000, 54.9%, Bourbon, 144 bottles
Needs to breathe. Then sugarcane, a rummy note, sweet liqurorice, green apples, pencil shavings. Bittersweet on marzipan and almonds.
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Maltbarn is a bottling brand founded in 2011 by German whisky expert Martin Diekmann. The brand’s bottling style leans towards a smooth and comfortable profile, consistently maintaining a high standard of quality. It has garnered a significant following in Europe.
其實 Maltbarn 是艾雷重擊最早代理的 IB 品牌,會需要再做一次介紹,實在是因為他們家上次新品發表已經是整整一年前的事了,最近剛加入我們的新酒友可能反而對他不熟。過去,Maltbarn 每年都會穩定發行三個批次,每次 6~7 款。陸續以來,幾款好好喝的 Glenlossie、Glentaucher、Blair Athol、Port Charlotte(我還可以一直列下去),都讓人印象深刻。不僅好喝,而且耐喝。
但疫情之後,或許同時也受到威士忌取得成本大幅上漲的影響,新裝瓶上市的速度明顯下滑,慢慢掉到幾乎一年只有一批新品。去年開始,Maltbarn 推出另一個小系列,裝瓶數都只有 40~50 瓶,數量太少沒有出給經銷,我們自然也沒機會上架銷售。今天發表的,是睽違一年之後再次抵台的全球發行裝瓶,喜愛 Maltbarn 的酒友們,要珍惜啊!
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